Game of Thrones is Back!

Yes, I know I haven't been blogging for the longest time.

2015 so far has been a breeze that passes by in a blink of an eye. I can't believe that it's already April, we're almost halfway through the year! But of course, the good news about Spring this year is that GoT is back, meaner and much, much better!

To be honest, I have not read any of the GoT books (the page number intimidated me! Yikes!) but I'm in the midst of reading the 2nd book which is A Clash of The Kings. Now guys, if you have not tried to watch the series or have watched an episode or two and you didn't like it, I'm sorry to say, but you just suck (LOL I SAID IT). Kidding. The fact that you're even reading this bullcrap means you're awesome, really.

So, why am I so obsessed about GoT series? Well, pretty much every single damn thing about it. The beauty of GoT is that it will always catch you off-guard and of course, its wicked twists. I love (and hate at the same time) how they just chop-off the heads or kill all the good characters so surprisingly. But again, to be frank, the first thing that got me hooked at the series is the moment they chopped off Ned Stark's head. Oops. Spoiler. Another beauty of GoT is how the series can make you fall in love with the characters that you used to hate so goddamn much. I mean, who'd believe that Jamie Lannister would become one of their favorite characters by the fourth season? I didn't.

And of course, another awesome thing about GoT is its moving and very often, mercilessly brilliant quotes. Sometimes I'd have the urge to quote almost a third of the entire conversations and lines said in an episode. Like this:

As you know, some sources have leaked the GoT season five's first four episodes within its first week of airing and I'm telling you, the plot does not get any better than this. The twist and turns as well as the quotes are just simply ah-mazing!

Of course, my favorite characters so far are: Daenarys, Tyrion, Margaery and Stannis Baratheon.

Now, for those who have not watched GoT but interested, as a longtime fan girl, I'd highly recommend you to start watching the series right now! However, I'm warning you to expect A LOT highly graphic and explicit scenes. Definitely no kids under the age of 18 LOL.

Nonetheless, it is indeed one of the best shows ever created on the face of the earth.

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