Internship Survival Tips

Today is the last day of my internship!

Well, technically tomorrow is my last day but I won't consider it as a working day as I'll be busy sorting out my clearance form etc tomorrow.

In case anyone's wondering, I'm currently doing my internship in Ernst & Young Malaysia, if you've never heard about it, I'm sorry but you've gotta Google it up, ladies and gentlemen! :)

My internship lasted for a full 2.5 months, starting from January to March. Boy, I can't believe that today is my last day already and I've survived those extremely rigorous working days! To tell you the truth, interning in one of the Big 4 firms has been extremely demanding and challenging, you're expected to work long hours, be focused, sharp-minded and work really hard as the working environment in this kind of firm is very fast-paced and dynamic. However, in the end, I now realize that all of those hard work was worth it and as clichéd as it may sound, I've learned things that I wouldn't be able to attain in classrooms.

So, for those who are going to set foot in the working world for the very first time, I would like to share some tips that might help you in surviving those first few weeks and months:

1) Don't be afraid to ask questions

I know for a fact that when you're hired by a top-notch firm for the very first time, you wouldn't want to seem like an idiot. Wrong. When working in a fast-paced environment, I learned that you're expected to complete tasks in an efficient manner and that means doing the right things in the right way! However, this doesn't mean that you should turn to your seniors and supervisors in regards to everything, you should come up with a few solutions to solve your problem first and suggest it to them instead of coming with more problems. So, rather than doing double work and re-doing your tasks and responsibilities because you're too shy to ask for help, set aside that pride for a while and ask questions to make sure you're doing the right thing in the right way!

2) Seek Responsibilities with enthusiasm

Spending 9 hours at work can be dreadful and it can suck the life out of you sometimes, but time surely passes by when you're occupied with work! Don't be afraid to seek out for responsibilities and tasks so that your time in the office can fly by quickly, too! Well, at least it worked for me :P

3) Find an everyday 'Mood Booster'
A key for me to get through everyday is to find a 'reward' or a daily 'mood booster' for myself. It could be the simplest things such as getting a bar of chocolate, an extra-long pampering shower or putting on soothing face mask at home. For me, it's a bottle of La Juiceria cold pressed juice every morning and a good breakfast as an energizing starter. Finding this kind of little yet meaningful mood booster will surely uplift your day!

4) Sleep early, trust me
To be honest, I've failed to do this one. In the morning, I usually wake up around 5.30-6 AM to pray and get ready to work, I'd leave home around 6.30-6.45 as I take public transport everyday! An average journey to work would take one and a half to 2 hours everyday! After that, I'll be working the entire day and usually reach home around 8.30 pm or later. I usually got 4-5 hours of sleep every night and felt like a zombie on the very next day. So, yes, plenty of rest is indeed needed. Hitting the sack earlier would make you feel a ton better for the next working day

5) Bring a drink bottle/travel mugs/thermos to work
This one is pretty self-explanatory: you'll be needing lots and lots of coffee, that's why.

6) Ladies, invest in a few pairs of comfortable high-heels.
It is compulsory for the ladies in my office to wear high-heels that are at least one inch high. Although many girls complained about the inconvenience of them, I actually liked this particular rule because I'm just a mere short girl who's a big fan of high heels that would elevate me a few inches higher from the ground. One of the Partners in my firm actually explained how high-heels give a boost to your professional appearance and to your confidence, I strongly agree with that, too! So, ladies, invest in a few pairs (at least two pairs) of comfortable high heels so that you can wear them interchangeably. Remember, comfort is number one factor here! Choose a clean-cut and no frills designs in netural shades (basic choice would be black and nude). But a sexy red stilettos would be fantastic too if you have the budget to spend.

7) Have fun and enjoy it!
Treat your work as a duty and a value-adding activity to yourself and your society. I know sometimes that you might be getting dull tasks. Although it may seem to be easier said than done, always try to see a positive side to any responsibilities assigned to you. For example, when you're assigned a filing duty (which can be fun and boring at the same time hahaha) see how it can train you to become a more organized person. Or when you're bombarded with so much work, look at it as a way to see how you're in fact a superhuman in your very own definition. Be positive :)

Between Me and Running

I love to run. When I think about it, I don't even remember when did I start loving it for the very first time. Just like many other human beings, I'm a paradoxical creature, I contradict myself ever so often. Just an example: I'm much of  a loner, I like spending time with people but there is always a limit where being surrounded with people actually ends up draining my energy. Another example: I'm a competitive person, but only when it comes to test scores and grades. When it comes to sports, I really don't like the competitive aspect of it. Running allows me to embrace this self-contradictory side of myself. It's a form of exercise that allows me finish it in my own pace and it can be done all by myself without having to rely on a fellow team member to not screw up an assist or score that winning goal.
As much as I love running, however, these few months I've been afraid of running outdoors as I've been having really bad nerve pain down my back, which is often exacerbated further by humidity and heat. The pain can be so bad that sometimes it's paralyzing and I have to lean back against the wall to support myself. Things took a turn when I was tempted by an advert for a running competition. To be frank, the thing that piqued my interest and encouraged me to join the running event was the cute finisher medal. I decided to join the run betting on my aching back that was very much likely to cause me heaps of agony and pain. But boy, I'm now not regretting my decision at all.
That morning, I downed a Tizanidine and hoped that it'd hold back my pain. Thankfully, throughout the run, my back was not aching, not even a bit. Perhaps it could be because the day was still young and the cool morning air lingered so the heat that triggered my demonic pain wasn't there yet. So yeah, I finished in the Top 5% Runner in the end. As I'm now addicted to running events, I've signed up for two other running events in April. I really can't wait!