Macaroons Goodness!

It's the start of my long-awaited holiday! A big yay for that!

As someone who just can't sit around like me, however, I've found the first week of my semester break to be rather boring so I started to do whatever it takes to spend my day as productive as possible. So, being me, I start baking desserts or cakes almost everyday! 
This time I tried making salted caramel macaroons for the nth time and finally succeeded. I have to say that I'm quite proud of myself for not giving up easily in making them because macaroons can be one hell of treat to make. It's extremely important to take precise note of the meringue consistency and to ensure that you are folding just enough during the macaronage. Macaroons are perhaps one of the fussiest things I've ever made at first but after a few trial and errors, you'll learn from the previous experiments and you'll definitely end up with some decent macaroons.

Here, I was pouring my homemade salted caramel into a glass jug for easy handling. Caramel sauce can also be one hell of a mess. I was involved in a little accident when making caramel sauce a couple of years ago and burnt myself, this sweet mess left me a scar on my left hand that is still noticeable until today! However, I've definitely gotten better in making caramel sauce now. To be honest, I really do prefer homemade caramel sauce as you can adjust the sweetness, thickness and saltiness of the sauce to your liking. Personally, I prefer my sauce to be thick, salty and has that slightly burnt aftertaste! YUM.

Tadaaa! This is the end product! Not bad for my first successful attempt, right? I filled the macaroons with caramel buttercream and gooey caramel sauce for that extra 'oomph!'. 
I'll be trying chocolate and nutella macaroons in the future and will let you know more about it :)